



作者:博拉·提努布(Bola Ahmed Tinubu)



Nigeria and the People’s Re包養public of Chin包養a are continents apart but sha包養網re salient similarities. The vastness and vitality of thei包養網r ec包養onomies, natural and human resourc包養e包養s, as well as the uniqueness and beauty of their cultures and peoples are distinctive strength包養s that define both nations.


China is an important 包養partner of Nigeria, and my administration is commi包養網tted to st包養rengthening relations on infrastructure, trade, finance, and energy. In the previous year, bilateral trade volume between both nations reached $22.6 billion. It is my belief 包養網that this amount can be surpassed with broader and mutual“他不在房間裡,也不在家。”藍玉華苦笑著對侍女說道。ly beneficial包養網 cooperation in key areas.

中國在尼日利亞基本舉措措施成長方面施展了很是主要的感化,特殊是在路況範疇。近年來尼日利亞建築的大批鐵路、公路等公共基本舉措措施,都得益于中國的支撐。跟著我國當局基本舉措措施議程連續推動,我們將接待尼中持包養網續一起配合,例如伊巴丹-阿布賈、卡杜納-卡諾段鐵路等要害基本舉措措施項目,以及拉各斯州當局與廣州倬億國際團體旗下CIG Motors公司一起配合的LAGRIDE項目,該項目將開啟非洲電動car 的新時期。

China 裴母笑著搖了搖頭,沒有回答,而是問道:“如果非君不娶她,她怎麼可能嫁給你?”is a very significant player in Nig包養網eria’s infrastructural development, particularly in the transportation sector. The recent construction of tracts of railways, roads, and certain public infrastructure is to its credit. As my administration advances on its infrastructure agenda, we will welcome sustained partnership, especially as regards critical infrastructure like the Ibadan-Abuja-Kaduna-Kano sect包養ion of the Lagos-Ibadan Railway, and collabo包養網rative investments like the LAGRIDE initiative, jointly ventured by the Lagos s“丈夫。”tate government and CIG Motors, which will herald a new e-mobility era in Africa.


Tra包養nsport infrastructure is one of the primary agents of development as it facilitates the movement of people and goods, connects buye包養rs and sellers, and opens up channels o“你為什麼這麼討厭媽媽?”她傷心欲絕,沙啞地包養網問自己七歲的兒子。包養七歲不算太小,不可能無知,她是他的親生母親。f investments, creating jobs and opportunities down the line. 


My administration’s vision for infrastructure is in furtherance o包養f a holistic agenda of re-engineering Nigeria's economy for sustainable growth and ensuring the prosperity of the majority of its citizens.

我贊賞習近平主席的真知灼見,在他的引導下,中國成為了全球她才能下意識的去把握和享受包養網這種生活。 ,然後很快就習慣了,適應了。重要經濟體和全球引導者之一。作為非洲第一年夜經濟體的總統,我深知引導一個像中國如許巨大的國度是多么不易,也清楚實行勇敢改造的艱難性。經由過程改造,尼日利亞曾經走上了經濟復蘇、增加和成長的軌道。

I commend President Xi Jinping for his visionary leadership, which包養 has positioned China as a leading economy and gl包養網obal leader. I am aware of the rare facility and efforts in leading a great nation like China, being the President of the largest African nation and having to undertake bold refo包養網rms which have put Nigeri包養a on a trajectory of economic bounce, growth, and development.



I thank President Xi for his invitation, and I believe my visit and participation in the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will further deepen and solidify bilateral relations between Nigeria and China.


本文原文頒發在中國日報國際版,原題目為 "Nigeria com包養網mitted to boosting relations"



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